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Cerb (10.2.4) is a maintenance update released on April 29, 2022. It includes 12 minor features and fixes from community feedback covering the 10.2 update. You can follow these instructions to upgrade.



  • [Automations/Scripting] In automation scripting, added a |parse_csv(separator,enclosure,escape) filter for parsing a comma-separated values string into an array of columns and rows.

  • [Automations/KATA] In automations, added a kata.parse: command for parsing arbitrary KATA documents with placeholders and schema validation.

  • [Interactions/Editor] In worker interactions, editor: prompts can now use KATA syntax with dynamic autocompletion based on any given schema.


  • [Automations/Records] In automations, the record.create: action can now create tickets with only a bucket_id: field. Previously, the group_id: always had to be provided.

  • [Mail/Reply] When replying to a ticket, the ‘Recent activity’ interaction now ignores bot activity when warning about a duplication of effort.

  • [Automations] In automations, the output: key on the record.create: action is no longer required.

  • [Automations] In automations, the output: key on the record.update: action is no longer required.

  • [Automations] In automations, the output: key on the record.upsert: action is no longer required.


  • [Windows/Mail/Attachments] Fixed an issue on Windows Server with downloading all message attachments as a ZIP file.

  • [PHP] Additional PHP 8.1 compatibility fixes.

  • [Installer] Fixed a validation issue with the ‘Demo’ package in the installer.


  • [Security/Dependencies] Updated the async.js dependency to v2.6.4 to address a security notice.